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Track our Progress
West Virginia’s Educational
Attainment Rate
Attainment Rate
Percentage of West Virginians Aged 25-64
with an Associate Degree or Higher
with an Associate Degree or Higher
Strong Foundations
Eighth Grade Math
Percent of 8th grade students who scored proficient or above in math on the West Virginia General Summative Assessment.
College and Career Preparation
CTE Experiences
Percent of 12th grade students who complete at least one CTE program of study while in high school.
AP/IB/Dual Credit
Percent of 12th grade students who earned college credit from AP/IB exams or dual credit college courses.
Climbing Beyond High School
College-Going Rate
Percent of recent high school graduates who enroll in college immediately after high school.
Gateway Course Completion
Percent of first-time, full-time freshmen who successfully complete gateway math and English courses in their first year of college.
College Retention Rate
Percent of first-time, full-time freshmen who return to the same college in the following fall.
Finishing the Climb
Associate Degree Completion
Percent of first-time, full-time associate degree-seeking freshmen who successfully complete an associate degree in two years or less.
Learn More at the Higher Education Data Portal