Climbing Together to Grow West Virginia’s Workforce

Our Campaign to Equip 60% of West Virginians
with a Certificate or Degree by 2030
The Facts

of West Virginians aged 25-64 held at least a certificate or certification in 2023

of recent WV high school graduates enrolled in college in the fall of 2023

With less than one-third of West Virginians holding an associate degree or higher, our public institutions of higher education are working harder to equip residents with the training and skills necessary to land good, high-paying jobs.

To reach the Climb attainment goal, West Virginia is working on several fronts to help students stay on track to complete postsecondary education. This includes an exciting initiative – Open Learning WV – that is saving students millions in textbook costs!

This state-led initiative provides low- or no-cost educational materials to students in colleges and universities across West Virginia, making higher education more affordable and accessible.
since Spring 2021